10 Ways to Help Relieve Stress
Have you ever had one of these days…or weeks??
With nine children between three woman here at Mommy and Me Studios we completely understand the difficulties and stress of families.
In preparing for this month’s focus, all of us moms at Mommy and Me sat down to collaborate our top ways to relieve stress in our lives. Now we pass on that wisdom on: from Moms for Moms!
We all know that life with kids, no matter the age, along with all the other activities in our lives can leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. As moms, we are always taking care of the house, kids, keeping everything and everyone on schedule, we often forget to take time and take care of ourselves. This is not just important for you and your health, but it is important that your daughters see your example so one day they know this down time is a need and for your sons to realize the need for his future wife to take time for herself. With Stress awareness month approaching, this is a great opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress.
As a grandma to nine and a mom to four, life is full of blessings and stress! Although all my kids are grown, I still manage a household, live with two young grandsons and 3 other adults, help out my oldest daughter with her three littles while her husband is deployed, am president of a non-profit and run a full-time maternity and newborn photography business. My studio and office are in my home, so you will often find me in the office late at night working. I love my time with my family, and I love my job, but I do find myself looking for ways to work off some of that stress. With the last couple of years being so difficult to do things, I found it even more important to work on releasing the stress in my life. Here are my top four ideas I have been using more and more recently. -MistyAnn
Get active –
So may think this is impossible… but we not saying go out and run a marathon. Just start moving, do something different. Some days my only goal is to walk to the stop sign and the end of our road, other times it is literally to just sit on the floor and stretch all these aching muscles. Moving, and stretching, increase blood flow which helps move oxygen throughout the helping you to relax not to mention activity and get your endorphins (your feel-good chemical) and other natural chemicals in your body pumped up.
Learn to say no –
This is my hardest thing to do. I love to help and serve others, but I have learned that just because I can, doesn’t always mean I should. Especially as a mom, I have found there are many times I am not only juggle kids, home and hubby but I find myself picking up others along the way. Before you say yes, make sure you know what it entails and the depth you are needed to help. Then decide “is this what I want to spend my time on.” We all get caught up in projects and some are only for a season, but your mental and physical health should be a priority so you can keep serving and helping others.
Deep breathing-
When we are knee deep in stress mode our bodies react with our fight or flight mode which causes faster heartbeat, quicker breathing and constricted blood vessels. Learning a deep breathing exercise has been one of my favorites. The goal of deep breathing is to focus your awareness on your breath, making it slower and deeper, inhaling through your nose fulling and expanding your lungs. Not only does this slow your heart rate, but it also allows you to feel more peaceful.
My faith is so important for my life, but I had found that I was not making time to sit alone and just talk to God. I know when I intentionally make time, (even if it is 10 minutes in the bathroom) to read, pray or just sit and talk to God by myself I can handle the everyday stresses much easier.
I am a momma of one very independent 3 year old and a very active 7 month old (that has recently discovered crawling and standing on everything), a wife to my wonderful, hard working hubby, a co-owner of a small business, and a volunteer by heart. I often find myself just going from one to-do list to the next, do my best to keep the house clean, trying to make sure my little guys don’t feed the dogs their lunch, and most often forgetting to start dinner until the hubby is already home! BUT I also TAKE time to breathe a little deeper and do some of my favorite things to relieve my stress and help my worries melt away even for just a minute. - Gabrielle
Light a candle -
Aromatherapy is a great way to help you relax! Find a scent that helps your mind go to that happy place! Whether it is the smell of sunshine on the beach, a load of clean laundry, the clean air after a spring rain, or the smell of dew on rose petals, find that relaxing scent that reminds you to take a deep breath in and a slow breath out. Some of my favorite scents are Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Jasmine, Vanilla.
Take time to laugh! -
There's that old phrase that I'm sure you've heard: "Laughter is the best medicine." And while we've heard it before and perhaps dismissed it, it's important to remember just how true it is! It's hard to feel stressed when you are laughing. In the long term, laughter can also help improve your immune system and mood.
Try watching one of your favorite shows that always makes you laugh or invite some friends over for a much need game of charades!
Make a "thankful" list -
Think of things that you are grateful for. Great! Now write them down. Writing down and thinking of all the things you have to be thankful for is proven to make your daily load feel a little lighter. Gratitude can also help you remember all the resources and/or people you have that help with your stress relief on a daily basis. Studies also show grateful people enjoy better mental health, lower stress, and a better quality of life. Whether it's going around the dinner table sharing what you are grateful for, writing a big list and reading it each day, or taking time to write 3 things every day, try to make gratitude a regular habit.
As a military wife to a deployed husband, stay at home mom to 2 young boys and a new baby girl, and someone who's struggles with depression, I have had to make my mental health a priority and find ways I can destress! These are some of my favorite and most effective ways I've been able to do that! -Stephanie
Get creative! -
Do something to get your imagination flowing! Do you cross stitch, sew, or collect favorite cookie jars? Whatever it is, spend some quality time regularly! For me, painting is a great relief for my stress levels, especially fluid art where everything is abstract, and nothing is expected a certain way!
Take a "You" day -
Sometimes taking a break from everything and everyone can help refresh you! Find a babysitter and take some time to relax, visit the beach, take a nature walk, binge your favorite TV show, or even take a nap!
Take a shower -
Shower. Not a bath, a shower. Use water as hot or cold as you like. You don’t even need to wash. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. Sit on the floor if you gotta. I mean, the most relaxing place in the world is a shower! If you’re not feeling well, you need a break from the kids, or you just want an excuse to be alone, hop in the shower and enjoy the steam!
Stress in life is inevitable...let’s do a few things to help that level stay low!