10 Ways to Help Relieve Stress
In preparing for this month’s focus, all of us moms at Mommy and Me sat down to collaborate our top ways to relieve stress in our lives. Now we pass on that wisdom on: from Moms for Moms!
We all know that life with kids, no matter the age, along with all the other activities in our lives can leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. As moms, we are always taking care of the house, kids, keeping everything and everyone on schedule, we often forget to take time and take care of ourselves. This is not just important for you and your health, but it is important that your daughters see your example so one day they know this down time is a need and for your sons to realize the need for his future wife to take time for herself. With Stress awareness month approaching, this is a great opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress.
As a grandma to nine and a mom to four, life is full of blessings and stress! Although all my kids are grown, I still manage a household, live with two young grandsons and 3 other adults, help out my oldest daughter with her three littles while her husband is deployed, am president of a non-profit and run a full-time maternity and newborn photography business. My studio and office are in my home, so you will often find me in the office late at night working. I love my time with my family, and I love my job, but I do find myself looking for ways to work off some of that stress. With the last couple of years being so difficult to do things, I found it even more important to work on releasing the stress in my life. Here are my top four ideas I have been using more and more recently. -MistyAnn
I am a momma of one very independent 3 year old and a very active 7 month old (that has recently discovered crawling and standing on everything), a wife to my wonderful, hard working hubby, a co-owner of a small business, and a volunteer by heart. I often find myself just going from one to-do list to the next, do my best to keep the house clean, trying to make sure my little guys don’t feed the dogs their lunch, and most often forgetting to start dinner until the hubby is already home! BUT I also TAKE time to breathe a little deeper and do some of my favorite things to relieve my stress and help my worries melt away even for just a minute. - Gabrielle
As a military wife to a deployed husband, stay at home mom to 2 young boys and a new baby girl, and someone who's struggles with depression, I have had to make my mental health a priority and find ways I can destress! These are some of my favorite and most effective ways I've been able to do that! -Stephanie
Stress in life is inevitable...let’s do a few things to help that level stay low!